Sara is committed to combating government corruption and the detrimental good old boy network that has compromised the integrity of our county government. Sara's focus will be on government transparency, accountability , and integrity.
Sara will implement an effective Open Records process to ensure taxpayers can easily access public records. It is simply unacceptable for citizens to face obstacles in obtaining public information and documents. Sara will champion government accountability, providing ethical representation and honesty at all times. With her experience as a public interest advocate and anti-corruption agent, Sara is equipped to reform our county government.
Sara will be a responsible steward of public funds by ensuring your tax dollars are used wisely, minimizing government waste, and reallocating those funds to essential government services. Sara will call for investigations into any officials involved in deceitful practices that undermine the public trust.
Sara is opposed to the suggestion of increasing ad valorem and/or adding a county sales tax.
Resolving the
Humanitarian and Unconstitutional Crisis at the Oklahoma County Jail
Sara will address the humanitarian and unconstitutional crisis at the Oklahoma County Jail, which stems from corruption, lack of oversight, official negligence, ineffective policies, and lawlessness.
Since 2019, 50 Oklahomans have tragically lost their lives in what is known as the deadliest jail in America. The truth is mass majority of those deaths were preventable. The facility is plagued by violence, sexual assault, mold, pests, escapes, and has even experienced its first hostage crisis under the reign of the Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Authority (Jail Trust). The "Maximum Secure" facility has failed every State Health Department inspection since the Jail Trust took control, and the U.S. Department of Justice is currently investigating the jail. The inhumane conditions and unconstitutional practices have become increasingly negligent and deadly since the Jail Trust was given operational, managerial, and financial oversight by the Oklahoma Board of County Commissioners. The State Multi-County Grand Jury has recommended dissolving the Jail Trust, and Sara believes it is in the best interest of the public and the Oklahomans within the facility to disband the Jail Trust and its nine appointed Trustees, who are not accountable to the electorate.
Sara is opposed to building a billion dollar jail aimed at increasing mass incarceration for the next three decades. Sara will champion evidence based policies aimed at reducing the county jails population to 600-800. Only violent offenders who pose an actual threat to our communities should be housed in the county jail. The current model of a debtors jail preying upon the poor, and those struggling with mental illness is unethical, unconstitutional, and extremely costly to tax payers. Sara is also opposed to dumping the new proposed billion dollar facility in Del City's backyard. Sara believes after reducing the jails population, a smaller jail should be built at the current site.
For nearly six years, Sara has presented policy recommendations based on "Best Practices" to the Board of County Commissioners and the Jail Trust, but they have refused to take action. As commissioner, Sara will have the authority to implement systemic solutions. With over 15 years of experience as a civil rights advocate, Sara has a proven track record of monitoring, documenting, and addressing unhealthy patterns and practices within carceral facilities.
Implementing Evidence Based Criminal Justice Reform
Sara is committed to implementing evidence-based criminal justice reform and she takes pride in being recognized as a "criminal justice crusader and advocate." With 15 years of experience helping youth and adults navigate the criminal justice system, she has worked tirelessly to assist Oklahomans in regaining their freedom and transforming their lives. Sara's extensive background as a criminal justice reform advocate includes reforming law enforcement and intervening in the judicial system that often exploit marginalized communities for profit.
Sara will terminate municipal contracts that funnel petty, non-violent offenders into our county jail for minor municipal violations. Additionally, Sara will promote accessible, community-based, and culturally sensitive mental health care in Eastern Oklahoma County to prevent the criminalization of individuals struggling with mental illness. Sara will prioritize transitional housing initiatives for the unhoused across Oklahoma County and establish a revolving county bail fund to assist non-violent offenders post bail up to $100,000, ensuring that poor Oklahomans are not unjustly detained for extended periods awaiting due process. Furthermore, Sara will advocate for the amendment of SB 1931 to restore the County Social Services program, which provided essential resources and services to indigent individuals and senior citizens.
Expanding Mental
Health Care
Sara will enhance mental health care across Oklahoma County, focusing on developing adequate mental health infrastructure in the eastern regions, including Spencer, Mid-Del, Jones, Forest Park, and Nicoma Park. As a mental health advocate who has helped hundreds of Oklahomans access services and care, Sara understands the shortcomings of our mental health system. Sara is currently collaborating with the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division in their investigation into the State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Department of Mental Health, Oklahoma County, and the Oklahoma City Police Department for ADA violations.
Oklahoma has one of the highest rates of mental illness while being one of the lowest in funding for mental health services. Sara believes Oklahoma County must invest in safe, professionally supervised group homes for individuals with developmental disabilities who are seeking shelter and care. Sara will expand the Program of Assertive Community Treatment (PACT) to serve all residents of Oklahoma County, regardless of their zip code. Additionally, Sara will work to transform abandoned or empty government-owned buildings in Eastern Oklahoma County into community-based, culturally sensitive outpatient mental health and drug/alcohol treatment facilities accessible to all municipal residents in our county. Sara will secure federal funding to enhance inpatient care for those in mental health crises and demand an investigation into any individual, entity, or agency violating the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Uplifting the Middle
Class and
Sara is committed to empowering the middle class by advocating for policies that promote affordable housing in Oklahoma County. Sara will stand against out-of-state corporate landlords who have neglected housing quality and safety in rental properties. Sara has a track record of doing just that as an elected public servant in local government, and will continue to reform effort at our county government.
Sara is alarmed that the American Dream of homeownership is increasingly out of reach for many young Americans. Sara will support initiatives that help first-time homebuyers.
Additionally, Sara has a proven record in advancing economic development as a current municipal elected official. During her time in office, the Northeast side of Midwest City experienced historic large-scale economic growth, welcoming two new companies, boosting sales tax revenue and creating hundreds of high-paying jobs.
Revitalizing County Infrastructure
Sara will enhance the county's infrastructure, focusing on buildings, roads, bridges, and highways. As a dedicated advocate who regularly attends Board of County Commissioner's meetings, Jail meetings, and observes court proceedings, Sara recognizes the urgent need for revitalization and modernization of our county courthouse. Sara knows we can fund the needed revitalization effort by cutting government waste and reducing the unnecessary costs related to housing mass numbers of Oklahomans at the Oklahoma County Jail.
By eliminating financial corruption and waste, Sara will redirect more resources towards maintenance and reconstruction of over 200 miles of unincorporated and rural roads, bridges, and county highways in Oklahoma County District 1. Additionally, Sara will offer support and cooperation to municipalities and school districts for infrastructure and essential government projects.
Protecting Veterans
and Tinker Air
Force Base
Sara is dedicated to safeguarding our Veterans who have defended our freedoms and our nation. Sara will ensure that no Veteran is left behind, regardless of the challenges they face, and she will leverage her authority as your commissioner to collaborate with other officials to address the needs of our Veterans.
Having grown up in Del City and residing in Midwest City for most of her adult life, Sara appreciates the vitality and economic benefits that Tinker Air Force Base brings to the Mid-Del community and Oklahoma County. Sara also recognizes Tinker Air Force Base as a vital asset for our national security. Sara is committed to supporting both Tinker Air Force Base and the Mid-Del Community, which is home to a significant U.S. military installation.
Sara will advocate for environmental equality and justice. District 1 should not be the site for developments and projects that have been turned away by other areas of the county, like the unwanted county jail. This diverse and beautiful community, rich in history, deserves to be preserved. County projects and developments should not be forced upon local communities and municipalities which make up our District.Proposed projects must align with local and municipal comprehensive plans and reflect the overall public interest. Hardworking taxpayers and residents of District 1 deserve equal access to a clean and healthy environment, and should be active participants in the decision-making process. Our county officials must prioritize the communities most affected by environmental challenges.